Premises Liability

Reputation. Respect. Result.

Premises Liability

Premises liability is an area of law that involves the duties and responsibilities of premises owners. Owners of businesses, facilities, and property that permit visitors and guests to enter are legally obligated to ensure that they provide safe conditions free from preventable harm. This means that when they fail to address potential dangers that they knew, or should have known about, they can be held liable for any damages these dangers cause.

Premises liability can be applied to a number of situations and circumstances. Some of the most common include:

  • Pool accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Retail store negligence
  • Negligent or insufficient security
  • Bar and nightclub injuries
  • Failures to warn

The ways in which our legal team applies premises liability law to personal injury claims can vary drastically depending on the factors involved. At the core of our efforts, however, is the objective to prove that premises owners had a duty to keep visitors and guests safe and that they failed to uphold this duty. Whether their breach of duty comes as the result of failing to address safety hazards or violations, as the result of failing to warn their guests, or any other failure on their part will depend on the facts and case involved.

Just as we do in every case we handle, our legal team focuses on collecting all the facts and evidence related to the liability of the at-fault party and the damages you sustained. Equipped with these tools, our attorneys then set about securing your compensation by reaching favorable settlements with premises owners or their insurance providers or, when those offers fail to meet clients' needs, by fighting aggressively during trial. To see how our Clearwater injury attorneys may be able to help you collect compensation, please fill out our case review form at no cost and no obligation to you.

Sent Request

Please outline your legal question or issue and our team will gladly get back to you promptly.


We will promptly and efficiently conduct an investigation to determine - analyze liability, damages, insurance.

Case Fight

We combine our dedication and proactive strategy to quickly and fairly settle our clients’ claims.